Виды работ |
Тариф «Одна Звезда» |
Тариф «Две Звезды» |
Тариф «Три Звезды» |
Тариф «Четыре Звезды» |
Тариф «Пять Звезд» |
Стоимость |
45 000 |
65 000 |
85 000 |
120 000 |
165 000 |
Описание тарифа |
Цель: с небольшими вложениями расширить аудиторию, получать стабильный поток заказов, улучшить репутацию компании или продукта. |
Выход на новый уровень известности и новые источники заказов для стабильно развивающихся компаний. |
Мощный поток трафика и заказов для компаний, интернет-магазинов, благодаря работе с отделом продаж и настройке анализа эффективности процессов в компании. |
Выход за рамки продвижения с целью настройки всего цикла продажи — от объявления в интернете до заключения договора. Необходим проектам-лидерам, чтобы оторваться от конкурентов. |
Наиболее мощный маркетинг микс каналов онлайн-продвижения. Над проектом работает команда лучших профессионалов, которые точными действиями обеспечивают лидогенерацию, трафик, позиции и конверсию в продажи. |
SEO-продвижение в поисковых системах Яндекс и Google |
★ до 15 новых поисковых запросов ежемесячно ★ создание 1 посадочной страницы в месяц |
★ до 35 новых поисковых запросов ежемесячно ★ создание 2 посадочных страницы в месяц |
★ до 50 новых поисковых запросов ежемесячно ★ создание до 4 посадочных страницы в месяц |
★ лидогенерация, расширенное семантическое ядро ★ продвижение, направленное на трафик, лиды, позиции в ТОП |
★ лидогенерация, расширенное семантическое ядро ★ продвижение, направленное на трафик, лиды, позиции в ТОП |
Контекстно-баннерная реклама |
Только Яндекс.Директ. |
Яндекс.Директ и/или Google AdWords. |
Яндекс.Директ и любые рекламные системы. |
Яндекс.Директ и любые рекламные системы. |
Яндекс.Директ и любые рекламные системы. |
SMM (продвижение проекта в социальных сетях) |
Ведение 1-2-х социальных сетей, оформление, накрутка, публикация 8 постов в месяц. |
Ведение 1-3-х социальных сетей, оформление, накрутка, публикация 8 постов в месяц. |
Ведение 1-3-х социальных сетей, оформление, накрутка, публикация до 12 постов в месяц. Разработка и проведение акций, опросов, конкурсов. Аналитика по результатам активностей. Таргетированная реклама. |
Ведение до 4-х социальных сетей, оформление, накрутка, публикация до 16 постов в месяц. Коммуникации в соцсетях. Разработка и проведение акций, опросов, конкурсов. Аналитика по результатам активностей. Мониторинг репутации в социальных сетях, работа с негативом. Таргетированная реклама. |
Ведение до 4-х социальных сетей, оформление, накрутка, публикация до 30 постов в месяц. Подробная аналитика, коммуникации в соцсетях. Разработка и проведение акций, опросов, конкурсов. Аналитика по результатам активностей. Мониторинг репутации в социальных сетях, работа с негативом. Таргетированная реклама. |
ORM & SERM (управление репутацией компании / бренда) |
Мониторинг негативных отзывов, публикация ежемесячно до 30 отзывов и комментариев. |
Мониторинг негативных отзывов, Ежемесячно до 50 отзывов и комментариев. |
Мониторинг негативных отзывов, публикация 75 отзывов и комментариев. |
Мониторинг негативных отзывов, публикация 100 отзывов и комментариев. Мониторинг репутации конкурентов. |
Мониторинг негативных отзывов, размещение до 170 отзывов и комментариев. Аудит и мониторинг репутации конкурентов. |
PR в СМИ |
Написание и публикация 1 статьи в СМИ ежемесячно. |
Написание и публикация 1 статьи в СМИ ежемесячно. |
Написание и публикация 2 статьи в СМИ ежемесячно. |
Написание и публикация до 4 статьи в СМИ ежемесячно. |
CRM-маркетинг |
Настройка воронок продаж, применение CRM-маркетинга для допродаж и возврата клиентов. |
Настройка воронок продаж, применение CRM-маркетинга для допродаж и возврата клиентов. |
Настройка воронок продаж, применение CRM-маркетинга для допродаж и возврата клиентов. |
Бонусы, настройка CRM, оценка ROI |
Рекомендации по настройке сквозной аналитики в компании. |
Настройка сквозной аналитики в компании, анализ результатов. |
Настройка сквозной аналитики в компании, анализ результатов. |
Настройка сквозной аналитики в компании, анализ результатов. |
Настройка сквозной аналитики в компании, анализ результатов. |
Техническая поддержка |
Техническая поддержка сайта, устранение неисправностей, доработка, обновление дизайна и т.п. в объеме до 4 человеко/часов. |
Техническая поддержка сайта, устранение неисправностей, доработка, обновление дизайна и т.п. в объеме до 8 человеко/часов. |
Техническая поддержка сайта, устранение неисправностей, доработка, обновление дизайна и т.п. в объеме до 12 человеко/часов. |
Техническая поддержка сайта, устранение неисправностей, доработка, обновление дизайна и т.п. в объеме до 16 человеко/часов. |
Техническая поддержка сайта, устранение неисправностей, доработка, обновление дизайна и т.п. в объеме до 40 человеко/часов. |
Виды работ |
Тариф «Одна Звезда» |
Тариф «Две Звезды» |
Тариф «Три Звезды» |
Тариф «Четыре Звезды» |
Тариф «Пять Звезд» |
Стоимость |
45 000 |
65 000 |
85 000 |
120 000 |
165 000 |
Онлайн-курс «Интернет — маркетолог»
Расскажем, как взорвать
трафик на вашем сайте
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вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
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Мы свяжемся с
вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
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Мы свяжемся с
вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
Мы перезвоним Вам
Мы свяжемся с
вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
Вы выбрали тариф:
Оставьте свои контакты и мы ответим на все вопросы.
Спасибо за заявку
План работ
Оставьте свои контакты и мы вышлем план работ на 4 месяца для вашего сайта.
Спасибо за заявку
Заказать коммерческое предложение
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Спасибо за заявку
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Мы свяжемся с
вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
Мы перезвоним Вам
Мы свяжемся с
вами в ближайшее время.
Спасибо за заявку
Вы выбрали тариф:
Оставьте свои контакты и мы ответим на все вопросы.
Спасибо за заявку
План работ
Оставьте свои контакты и мы вышлем план работ на 4 месяца для вашего сайта.
Спасибо за заявку
Заказать коммерческое предложение
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Заполните форму, и в ближайшее время редактор свяжется с вами
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Спасибо за внимательность
Опечатка уже отправлена нашим редакторам.
Спасибо, что подписались.
Через пару минут вам на почту придет письмо.
Netpeak Россия — performance-маркетинг для бизнеса
Сергей Кононов
директор по маркетингу Mircli
Елена Гаврош
digital-менеджер компании Dommino&Zlatamebel;
Виктор Каминский
Валерий Дудко
Святослав Коростелов
директор компании «Аверс-Центр»
Валентин Николаев
директор по маркетингу Natali Bolgar
Иван Бурбан
руководитель направления интернет-маркетинга компании «Steko»
Анатолий Козловский
руководитель отдела digital-маркетинга «Планета Кино»
Вадим Федорчук
руководитель компании Boo.ua
Талгат Алимов
директор по маркетингу Mechta.kz
Николай Володин
e-commerce директор компании Office Expert
Роман Дрогозюк
маркетинг менеджер компании «Барбатекстиль»
Илья Бабенко
руководитель проекта «Prograver»
Андрей Креминский
руководитель интернет-магазина HotStore.com.ua
Максим Колпаков
руководитель школы иностранных языков «Скорос»
Алена Мельниченко
директор клиники «Gold Laser»
Миржан Ибрагимов
руководитель отдела маркетинга и PR в «Университете Международного Бизнеса»
Дмитрий Сокол
руководитель проекта «Rated.ua»
Сергей Бабёнышев
директор компании «Tricolor»
Елена Тащи
маркетинг-директор компании «SFX Markets»
Сергей Гапоченко
руководитель OLX Украина и Центральная Азия
Виталий Грушецкий
маркетолог компании «Perfect»
Александр Шимченко
технический дизайнер и совладелец фирмы «ПАНМЕД»
Владимир Батт
руководитель проекта BarcodeScan.com.ua
Майя Бережная
управляющая паба «Corvin»
Юрий Яворский
директор по экономике фабрики «Злата-Мебель»
Сергей Лисовец
представитель компании «E-klimat»
Борис Расин
директор интернет-магазина Alco.in.ua
Ольга Никитина
директор салона массажа «Siam Thai Spa»
Константин Бурлака
менеджер по продвижению школы «Number One»
Роман Никулишин
проектный менеджер интернет-магазина dska.com.ua
Сырымбет Искаков
директор компании Cheesenology
Екатерина Замуренко
маркетинг-директор OLX
Александр Довгопол
директор туристической компании «Хороший Отдых»
Разработка сайта или landing page
ПрототипРазрабатываем интерактивный макет будущего сайтаДизайнСоздаем UX/UI дизайн сайтаTildaРазрабатываем лендинги на стандартных и кастомных блокахHTML5Интеграция с CMS1C Bitrix, WordPressВерсткаПишем HTML-код для создания структуры сайтов CSS3JavaScriptПодключение CRM
SEO оптимизация
Семантическое ядро Собираем более 200 запросов: коммерческих, брендированных и информационныхUsabilityФакторы ранжированияУчитываем все внутренние и внешние факторы ранжирования сайтовGoogleСсылкиЯндексKeyCollector
Контекстная реклама
Яндекс.ДиректЗапускаем поисковую рекламу, рекламу в РСЯ, баннеры на поиске, таргетинг и ретаргетингGoogle.AdsЗапускаем поисковую, рекламу в КМС, ремаркетинг, видеорекламу и рекламу в торговых сетяхРСЯПоисковаяИспользуем поисковую рекламу для привлечения «теплых» лидовКМСРетаргетингРемаркетингБаннерная
Уникальные тексты Полезные для ЦА тексты с уникальностью больше 90%LSI фразыБлогСоздаем блог с полезными статьями для привлечения дополнительного трафикаЭкспертные статьиПолезные тексты от экспертов отраслиФорумПродающий контент
Шаблон рассылкиСоздаем адаптивные шаблоны писем для рассылки в Unisender и MailchimpСценарииЦепочка писемРазрабатываем стратегию перед стартом рассылки и прорабатываем цепочки писемПродающие текстыE-mail стратегия База рассылки
Таргетированная реклама
FacebookИспользуем изображения, видео, карусели, слайд-шоу, подборки InstagramЗапускаем рекламу в форматах фото и видео в ленте, рекламу в сторис, карусели VKMyTargetЗапускаем кросс-платформенные посты, заметки, прероллы, аудиорекламу ВидеорекламаРетаргетингA/B тестирование
Social Media Marketing
FacebookРазрабатываем стратегию SMM в FacebookInstagramПишем крутые посты в Instagram: информационные, вирусные, событийные, трендовыеVKОдноклассникиВедем группы в социальной сети ОдноклассникиYouTubeСообществаSMM-стратегия
ФорумыРаботаем с целевой аудиторей на активных форумах в Вашей сфере бизнесаТематические сайтыBrand AmbassadorВыстраиваем работу с амбассадорами брендаБлогПопуляризацияСайты вопросов
Репутационный маркетинг
ОтзывыПубликуем положительные отзывы о вашем бренде Репутация брендаТональность поисковой выдачиФормируем положительную тональность поисковой выдачиКарточки компанииЛояльность
Сквозная аналитика
Bitrix24Внедряем сквозную аналитику Bitrix24RoistatНастраиваем сервис сквозной аналитики RoistatMangoOnLinepbxВыстраиваем сквозную аналитику с OnLinepbxYClientsАвтоматизируем сферу услуг с YClientsCallibriUniverse-SoftCallTouch
Техническая поддержка сайта
PleskИспользуем коммерческую платформу Plesk для вебхостингаWordpressРаботаем с системой создания и управления сайтом WordPressBitrixТехнический аудит сайтаВыявляем ошибки и критические моменты на сайтеРефакторингБезопасность
Веб дизайн
АдаптивностьРазрабатываем и десктопные, и мобильные версии сайтовAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorРисуем графику в векторе с Adobe IllustratorAdobe After EffectsUX/UI-дизайнБрендингAxure
Сегодня все руководители компаний и предприниматели понимают, какую роль в привлечении клиентов и развитии бизнеса играет Интернет. Даже полностью оффлайн сферы, такие как рестораны, парикмахерские или медицинские клиники, обзаводятся современными сайтами и сотрудничают с креативными и рекламными агентствами. Почему же так важно заявить о себе в интернете?
Только Интернет обеспечит максимальный охват вашей целевой аудитории; поможет выбраться из локального рынка вашего города или района на более обширные территории; в Интернете вы можете обойти практически любого конкурента, если грамотно составите рекламную стратегию и инвестируете в ее реализацию.
Маркетинговое агентство — помощь профессионалов
Продвижение в Интернете может быть очень успешным, но одной лишь рекламы мало. Сайт или лендинг компании должен быть современным, отображаться на мобильных устройствах, удобным для пользователя и красивым. Очень важно содержимое сайта: текст, изображения и видео, карточки товаров и прочие атрибуты. Все это сможет сделать для вас интернет-агентство. Специалисты агентства разработают для вас сайт, модернизируют старый, оптимизируют его для поисковых систем и предложат комплексный интернет-маркетинг.
Интернет-маркетинговое, или digital-агентство отличается от привычных многим рекламных агентств. В первую очередь — сферой деятельности. Агентство рекламы обеспечит вам узнаваемость на улицах города, Интернет же — это территория digital-маркетологов.
Преимущества работы с агентствами интернет-маркетинга
Сайтов в сети очень много, но наиболее посещаемые из них те, что находятся в первых десяти строках, отображаемых поисковиком по заданному слову. Попасть в ТОП-10, ТОП-5 или ТОП-3 поисковика без профессиональной помощи агентства интернет-маркетинга практически невозможно.
Здесь обязательно участие маркетолога, который выберет концепцию продвижения, настроит рекламу. Потребуется помощь SEO-специалиста — он займется оптимизацией сайта, соберет семантическое ядро, распределит запросы по страницам. Не обойтись без копирайтера, который напишет SEO-тексты. Коммуникационное агентство осуществляет координацию работ, устраняет пробелы, допущенные при продвижении.
Услуги всех этих специалистов по отдельности стоят дорого. Позволить себе нанять в штат специалистов высокого уровня сможет далеко не каждая компания.
Наиболее доступный и эффективный вариант — воспользоваться услугами профессионального маркетингового агентства. Это выгодно: вы платите интернет-агентству лишь за конкретные услуги и только тогда, когда в них нуждаетесь. Вы заключаете договор, в котором указывается объем работ и срок реализации. Регулярная отчетность позволяет легко отслеживать результат проведенных работы.
Сотрудничество с медиа-агентством «Про Премиум»
Агентство интернет-рекламы предлагает полный цикл обслуживания. Занимайтесь бизнесом, а мы позаботимся об интернет-маркетинге. Мы можем выполнять для вас работы комплексно на постоянной основе, либо предоставить отдельные услуги, которые больше всего нужны в данный момент. Например:
- Создание сайта — от идеи до полного ее воплощения.
- Редизайн сайта — модернизация старого ресурса либо устранение чужих ошибок. Многие компании на начальных этапах развития экономят на сайте, но это можно затем исправить.
- Раскрутка сайта — вывод его ТОП выдачи по ключевым словам. Включает большой список работ: использование SEO-текстов, интернет-рекламы, трафика из соцсетей и еще более 40 пунктов из нашего чек-листа.
- Отдельные услуги по продвижению — некоторым компаниям нужно не комплексное продвижение, а лишь ряд услуг: SEO-аудит сайта, написание текстов, настройка рекламы и пр.
- Создание лендингов — пожалуй, лучшего на сегодняшний момент инструмента интернет-продаж. В отличие от сайта, landing page создается для активных продаж. Правильно его спроектировать поможет маркетолог нашего креативного агентства.
«Про Премиум» — digital-агентство, которое оказывает профессиональные услуги по созданию и продвижению сайтов, начиная с 2011 года. За это время командой агентства были реализованы десятки успешных проектов полного цикла. Вы можете положиться на наш опыт.
90000 How to Promote Your Website? 90001 90002 You can have the best product in the world, but without effective advertising, no one will know about it. Just because you have launched your website on the Internet does not mean that everyone will come flocking to it. In fact, nobody will know it exists if you do not get out there and promote it. There are several services available to help you get the word out there, but they cost money. However, there are several ways to get the word out for free.Here are seven website promotion tips you need to follow to get your page up to the top of the search engines. 90003 90004 1. Focus on Website SEO 90005 90002 Before you begin working on your website content, you need to know the SEO tools that will go into it. Use the Google keyword tool planner to help you find the best keywords for your niche market. Remember to focus on long-tailed keywords versus short keywords as you can struggle to rank for a broad keyword. Focus on the keywords that have low competition and high search frequency to help you create blog posts that are compelling, and will get noticed.Using the right SEO strategy will help you as you focus on promoting your site. The keywords you select must be added to the title, headings, content, and Meta description. If you add images, remember to include the keyword in the picture title tag and the alt tag. Promoting your website by using traditional SEO is one of the best ways to gain natural traffic and a higher ranking. 90003 90004 2. Social Media Marketing 90005 90002 The world of social media has completely changed online marketing.Creating a social media account, and interacting with the customers often is the best way to promote a website. You will be able to create connections with the customers, and you can gain instant results as a result of your communication with them. Different social media accounts provide businesses with an excellent platform to advertise their business to the right audience. The promotion of websites on social media accounts can have branded imagery. Consider running contests and giveaways with unique landing pages to gain new «likes» and customer contact information.Facebook and Twitter remain the dominant forces of social media, but Pinterest and Instagram are starting to catch on with businesses as other ways to promote a website. 90003 90004 3. Search Engine Listing 90005 90002 A simple way to start getting traffic to your website is by using the search engines. Submit new content to the search engine directories like Google, Yahoo !, Bing etc, so it can be indexed. The major search engines offer this free service, and you can acquire it with smaller search engine directories as well.This is one of the first things you need to do to promote a website if you are adding fresh content weekly. 90003 90004 4. Signature Branding 90005 90002 Your brand image is how people will recognize your company. Spend some time working on making your brand easy to recognize, and compelling enough to get people’s attention. Create a signature for your email account, text messages, and forums that include your website URL. This is a great way to get people to recognize your brand, and it will get people to click on the URL.It is vital to have a mobile-friendly website if you choose to add your URL to text messaging and other mobile advertising options. If you want to learn more about how to promote a website using mobile services, consider working with Outbrain. They have unique mobile marketing strategies to help your business gain more exposure. 90003 90004 5. Reciprocal Linking 90005 90002 One way to show the search engines your website is trusted is by having other websites link to your site. If you want a promotion, website options include; guest blogging, forum posting, link exchange, and news articles.Do not start linking your site to a number of low-ranking, low-quality sites. The search engines want to reward you with a higher website ranking when they see your website is linked to higher ranking, authority sites. Focus on creating links that are relevant to the readers, and use quality keywords or phrases to gain a link. Inbound links are an important part of the SEO world, but you must be careful in the way you create them. If you do too many at once, your website can be banned from the search engines.Slow and steady is the best way to go when you are working on quality inbound links to your website. 90003 90004 6. Focus on Quality Content 90005 90002 Out of all the website promotion ideas, you will read about online, the best one is to focus on quality. Why are you writing blog posts for the readers? Are you giving them the information they want, or are you only focused on getting something «fresh» on your website? Creating quality content is vital to your website, and to your overall ranking.Write the kind of content that other people want to read and promote on their own blogs / websites and on social media. When you create a company blog, use Google Authorship to help you gain visibility. This will link all your articles together, and it will rank higher in Google. Send out new social media messages each time you upload a new article to the blog. Monitor the blog to find out what is working, and what you can ditch if it’s not moving traffic up. 90003 90004 7. Use Google Local Business 90005 90002 To gain a local audience, submit your site to Google Local Business.Not only will Google provide website promotion ideas, they will allow every business to register their information for free. You can add pictures, include promotional offers, and even submit mobile ads. The great part of the Google Local Business page is how the information is displayed. It will show up right above the rest of the normal search result information, giving your business a larger online presence. Google even provides directions to your location, and they allow customers to call right from their mobile device.90003 90002 If you are still asking how to promote my website after using these seven tips, it is a good idea to contact online marketing agencies for help. These seven website promotion tips make it easy for anyone to focus on improving their website and promoting it through the right channels. While it can take time to learn how to promote a website, it is important to focus on being patient. It can take a few weeks, or months before you notice a significant increase in traffic and your online ranking.For additional information on how to promote a website, contact Outbrain today! 90003 .90000 List of Top 13 FREE Website Promotion Ideas 90001 90002 90003 90003 90005 90002 There are many digital marketing methods that business owners and digital marketers can use to promote their brands, products and services through their websites. Some of these are paid advertising and promotion channels that are guaranteed to get you highly targeted results in the shortest span of time. There are however, free online marketing tools that people can use to promote and drive traffic to their websites.90005 90002 For online entrepreneurs who have minimal resources at their disposal, using free website promotion methods is better idea. These tools may take a little while before tangible results are realized, it can slowly but surely help digital marketers promote their websites for free. Digital marketers have the option to use some or all of these free digital marketing methods. However, they should understand that it requires dedication and some hard work for all these free online marketing promotion channels to finally pay off.Doing business on the Internet requires a continuous cycle of activities that will let you get a good foothold on the marketplace with a very strong online presence that delivers results. 90005 90002 Let Digital Marketing Philippines take you on a wonderful joyride with this top 13 FREE website promotion ideas that you can use to drive a highly targeted stream of potential customers to your website — driving your profits up without the exorbitant costs! 90005 90002 90013 1. Go Viral with High Quality Content Targeted Customers will Love 90014 90015 90005 90002 Before everything else, first and foremost is you need to fill up your website with good, relevant, high-quality and highly-targeted content.Content is king, and will cling on to this throne for years to come. High-quality content that can go viral is a surefire way of driving targeted visitors to a website — visitors that can eventually become paying customers. 90005 90002 Content is at the heart and core of your website and is the hub where all your digital marketing efforts should revolve in. Content can be anything that you can place in your website: from great how-to articles to very informative step-by-step video tutorials. You can create these types of content yourself, or have a staff or freelancers create these content for you.You can even have guest writers or bloggers create something for you for posting in your website. The possibilities are practically endless and are guaranteed to generate highly targeted traffic — if your content is well-written, innovative, interesting, relevant and of course — original. 90005 90002 90013 2. Use the Power of Social Media for Promotion 90014 90015 90005 90002 Digital Marketing Philippines ‘articles on Social Media Marketing are some of the most exciting content this site is sharing and offering our readers.It’s free to join and create profiles about your brand, products or services on the various social networking sites available. Statistics on how effective social media marketing is abound throughout the Internet, with reliable information coming from reputable organizations like Nielsen and PQ Media backing these claims. 90005 90002 Nielsen is telling us that online users allocate up to 21.3% of their time online checking their status, sharing photos, and liking posts on social media sites. PQ Media translates this into hours, highlighting that up to 33 hours a month the Internet users in the United States spend online, 8 hours of which are spent doing various activities on social media sites.Tapping and getting access to just a fraction of these figures can bring valuable promotion mileage for your websites. 90005 90002 Through social media, you can build a separate profile page for your website, brand or product where you can engage directly with your existing and potential customers. You can also build discussion groups and communities in these social sites and build a network of like-minded people — all potential audiences and customers for your brand. 90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 3.Make Your Content Viral with Social Media Share 90014 90015 90005 90002 Social media is not only a highly effective tool for connecting and interacting with highly targeted audiences in a more personal and social level, it also made it quite easy for high-quality content you share to get even more reach with the use of social sharing buttons. You should include plug-ins for social media sharing with each of your content, practically allowing your visitors to spread the word about your website quickly and easily with just a single click of these buttons.90005 90002 With search engine algorithms changing and leaning towards social relevance, ongoing social media sharing activities in your websites will definitely be a plus factor that can help your sites get better ranking. The more social media sharing activities going on, the better your social scores can be. 90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 4. Make Your Content Go Even More Viral with Social Media Bookmarking 90014 90015 90005 90002 Social media shares can let your content go viral, but with social media bookmarking, your targeted audiences can include your website among their favorites.What this will do for your site is to get your readers well be updated with your latest posts and uploads, reach even more targeted audiences within your readers ‘own networks, and give your websites tons of high quality backlinks coming from high-traffic social bookmarking sites like Del.icio.us, StumbleUpon, Digg and Reddit to name a few and fasting growing specific bookmarking sites like Sharebloc, Snapzu BizSugar, Triberr and Inbound.org. You can not go wrong posting your contents here, just do not forget the golden rule.Do not self-promote your contents only. Curate the best links of our other sites also and post it there. 90005 90002 90013 5. Improve Your Online Presence by Local Business Directories 90014 90015 90005 90002 Online local directories is one of the best ways a local business owner can promote his or her business. Sites like Google+ local, Bing local, Yahoo local, Yelp, Manta and others allowed you to list your local business and gain targeted exposure to your targeted audience in your area. Maximize all the features that these local directories are offering you and always strive to persuade your customers to leave honest reviews about your business there! More positive reviews you get in your listing the better exposure for your business.90005 90002 90013 6. Get Better Website Exposure through Niche Forum Marketing 90014 90015 90005 90002 Forum marketing these days is not very popular subject these days since most of the people right now are going into social media groups instead of a niche related forum. But since our goal here is to give you the most complete list of free website promotion ideas, we also wanted to give the most comprehensive options and forum marketing is one of that. Basically, what you can do is perform a search like this your market + forum and check the top 10 in the search engine results.Then choose the top 3-4 forums by checking which forums are having the most conversation and the # of active members. 90005 90002 The idea of forum marketing is for you to share your expertize and brand yourself as an expert in your field. So do not just go to these forums and blatantly promote your business but share your expertize and engage to the members. Who knows who you might find on these forums? In the past, I have known some great people that I found in forums and until today they are still a great resource person for me in the digital marketing niche.90005 90002 90013 7. Get Quality Backlinks by Being a Guest Author or Guest Blogger 90014 90015 90005 90002 To get more exposure and high-quality backlinks from other sites that are relevant or related to your website’s own niche, you can write and publish articles for these sites as a guest author or blogger. There are blogging community websites where you can join as a guest writer, allowing you to create your own author’s bio where you can embed backlinks to your websites. You can also work with individual blogs or websites or be a guest author on local newspapers or magazine blogs — and boost your online credibility as well as get really valuable backlinks.90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 8. Receive Great Promotion by Getting Guest Authors to Write for You 90014 90015 90005 90002 Writing in blogging communities and other blogs or websites builds your network, getting you acquainted or even friends with other website owners that are related or relevant to your niche. You can ask these writers to write for you by inviting them as guest bloggers in exchange for better exposure and organic links. These writers will naturally promote these articles posted on your website on their own accord, giving you free promotion from what search engines may classify as authorities in your niche 90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 9.Gain Good Reputation by Writing in Content Sites 90014 90015 90005 90002 You can develop your reputation as an authoritative source of information or expertise in your niche by writing and publishing niche articles on content sites like Squidoo, Hubpages and Business2Commuity. Although there’s some arguments on whether the backlinks from these sites are still relevant in the current search engine algorithm changes, the reputation you can gain as an authoritative writer in your niche would still make all your efforts pay off.90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 10. Answer Questions and Build Your Brand 90014 90015 90005 90002 Social media sites focused on posting questions like Yahoo Answers and Quora where people can answer and ranked based on how relevant their answers are in relation to the question is also a good free website promotion idea. You can build your brand by being authoritative source of information who uses his expertise by trying to unselfishly answer relevant questions posted. You can build your brand, gain better reputation, and build relationships with potential customers.90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 11. Build Relationships by Responding to Comments and Answering Inquiries 90014 90015 90005 90002 Online users can really get pissed off when they post inquiries and comments about certain items or topics about a brand, product or service — and receive neither answers nor acknowledgements in return. Commenting and answering inquiries can build your online relationships with these targeted audiences, which is a good way to build your brand and develop product loyalty.You can also turn these inquiries or comments in a Q & A type of article and post it in your site — a move your targeted audiences will surely appreciate. 90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 12. Use Video to Promote Your Websites 90014 90015 90005 90002 YouTube and other video sharing sites have become an incredible phenomena that launched the careers of very popular modern artists as well as generate valuable traffic to websites through videos and infomercials . Most of these videos talk about topics relevant or linking to a brand, product or service directly or indirectly.You can leverage on the power of these video sharing sites by creating your own creative, thought-provoking and highly interesting videos and slideshows that can go viral through social media — and drive tons of traffic to your website 90013 90014 90015 90005 90002 90013 13. Build Your Own Following with Social Media Groups Marketing 90014 90015 90005 90002 Social media groups in the top social media sites like Facebook, Google+ and Linked-in can also be used for free website promotion.The first thing that you are going to do is to search for the most relevant and related groups for your business. Then join the busiest group (in terms of engagement and comments activities). I think it better to join at least 5-10 niche related groups on these 3 social media sites. Again do not forget the golden rule here, you are joining these groups to show your expertise and brand yourself and your business as a great resource for your niche. So engage to the members post, share their posts to your accounts, provide your ideas and opinions on their posts or questions, do not balatantly self-promote and lastly do not forget to post your relevant content from time to time.90005 90002 This list of FREE website promotion ideas is of course not complete as there are tons of innovative but effective ways of promoting your websites and getting the attention of targeted audiences. Try to study which of these method will work well with your digital marketing campaign, and if you find one to your liking and convenience, try to develop a marketing plan that you can execute to perfection — and obtain targeted results that will keep you more steps closer towards achieving your goals.90005 90139 More contents from our site 90140 The following two tabs change content below.Jomer B. Gregorio is a well-rounded expert when it comes digital marketing. Jomer is also known as a semantic SEO evangelist and practitioner. Check out our Digital Marketing Services today and let us help you in achieving positive and profitable results for your business. 90141 Latest posts by Jomer Gregorio (see all) 90142.90000 Promotion 90001 90002 Promotion is the marketing term used to describe all marketing communications activities and includes personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, trade fairs and exhibitions, advertising and sponsorship. Promotion needs to be precisely coordinated and integrated into the businesses global communications message, and this is called Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). IMC integrates the message through the available channels to deliver a consistent and clear message about your company’s brands, products and services.Any movement away from the single message confuses the consumer and undermines the brand. 90003 90004 90002 The promotions mix (the marketing communications mix) is the specific blend of promotion tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships. 90003 90002 Kotler et al (2010). 90003 90009 90002 Promotion is the element of the marketing mix which is entirely responsible for communicating the marketing proposition. Marketers work hard to create a unique marketing proposition for their product or service.McDonald’s is about community, food and enjoyment. Audi is about the driver experience and technology. 90003 90002 Think of it like a cake mix, the basic ingredients are always the same. However if you vary the amounts of one of the ingredients, the final outcome is different. It is the same with promotions. You can integrate different aspects of the promotions mix to deliver a unique campaign. Now let’s look at the different elements of the promotions mix. 90003 90002 The elements of the promotions mix are: 90003 90016 90017 Personal Selling.90018 90017 Sales Promotion. 90018 90017 Public Relations. 90018 90017 Direct Mail. 90018 90017 Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. 90018 90017 Advertising. 90018 90017 Sponsorship. 90018 90031 90002 And also online promotions. 90003 marketing communications process 90002 The elements of the promotions mix are integrated to form a coherent campaign. As with all forms of communication, the message from the marketer follows the ‘communications process’ as illustrated above. For example, a radio advert is made for a car manufacturer.The car manufacturer (sender) pays for a specific advert with contains a message specific to a target audience (encoding). It is transmitted during a set of commercials from a radio station (message / medium). 90003 90002 The message is decoded by a car radio (decoding) and the target consumer interprets the message (receiver). He or she might visit a dealership or seek further information from a web site (Response). The consumer might buy a car or express an interest or dislike (feedback). This information will inform future elements of an integrated promotional campaign.Perhaps a direct mail campaign would push the consumer to the point of purchase. Noise represents the thousands of marketing communications that a consumer is exposed to everyday, all competing for attention. 90003 90038 The Promotions Mix. 90039 90002 Let us look at the individual components of the promotions mix in more detail. Remember all of the elements are ‘integrated’ to form a specific communications campaign. 90003 90038 1. Personal Selling. 90039 90002 Personal Selling is an effective way to manage personal customer relationships.The sales person acts on behalf of the organization. They tend to be well trained in the approaches and techniques of personal selling. However sales people are very expensive and should only be used where there is a genuine return on investment. For example salesmen are often used to sell cars or home improvements where the margin is high. 90003 90038 2. Sales Promotion. 90039 90002. 90003 90002 Sales promotions tend to be thought of as being all promotions apart from advertising, personal selling, and public relations.For example the BOGOF promotion, or Buy One Get One Free. Others include couponing, money-off promotions, competitions, free accessories (such as free blades with a new razor), introductory offers (such as buy digital TV and get free installation), and so on. Each sales promotion should be carefully costed and compared with the next best alternative. 90003 90038 3. Public Relations (PR). 90039 90002 Public Relations is defined as ‘the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics’ (Institute of Public Relations).PR can be relatively cheap, but it is certainly not free. Successful strategies tend to be long-term and plan for all eventualities. All airlines exploit PR; just watch what happens when there is an incident. The pre-planned PR machine clicks in very quickly with a very effective rehearsed plan. 90003 90038 4. Direct Marketing. 90039 90002 Direct marketing is any marketing undertaken without a distributor or intermediary. In terms of promotion it means that the marketing company has direct communication with the customer.For example Nintendo distributes via retailers, although you can register directly with them for information which is often delivered by e-mail or mail. 90003 90002 Direct mail is very highly focussed upon targeting consumers based upon a database. As with all marketing, the potential consumer is targeted based upon a series of attributes and similarities. Creative agencies work with marketers to design a highly focussed communication in the form of a mailing. The mail is sent out to the potential consumers and responses are carefully monitored.For example, if you are marketing medical text books, you would use a database of doctors ‘surgeries as the basis of your mail shot. 90003 90002 Similarly e-mail is a form of online direct marketing. You register, or opt in, to join a mailing list for your favourite website. You confirm that you have opted in, and then you will receive newsletters and e-mails based upon your favourite topics. You need to be able to unsubscribe at any time, or opt out. Mailing lists which generate sales are like gold dust to the online marketer.Make sure that you use a mailing list with integrity just as you would expect when you sign up. The mailing list needs to be kept up-to-date, and often forms the basis of online Customer Relationship Management (CRM). 90003 90038 5. Trade Fairs and Exhibitions. 90039 90002 Such approaches are very good for making new contacts and renewing old ones. Companies will seldom sell much at such events. The purpose is to increase awareness and to encourage trial. They offer the opportunity for companies to meet with both the trade and the consumer.90003 90038 6. Advertising. 90039 90002 Advertising is a ‘paid for’ communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the target market. There are many advertising ‘media’ such as newspapers (local, national, free, trade), magazines and journals, television (local, national, terrestrial, satellite) cinema, outdoor advertising (such as posters, bus sides). There is much more about digital, online and Internet advertising further down this pages, as well as throughout Marketing Teacher and the Marketing Teacher Blog.90003 90038 7. Sponsorship. 90039 90002 Sponsorship is where an organization pays to be associated with a particular event, cause or image. Companies will sponsor sports events such as the Olympics or Formula One. The attributes of the event are then associated with the sponsoring organization. 90003 90002 The elements of the promotional mix are then integrated to form a unique, but coherent campaign. 90003 90038 Online Promotions 90039 90002 Online promotions will include many of the promotions mix elements which we considered above.For example advertising exists online with pay per click advertising which is marketed by Google. You can sponsor are website for example. Online businesses regularly send out newsletters which are targeted using e-mail and mailing lists, which is a form of direct marketing. Indeed websites are premium vehicle in the public relations industry to communicate particular points of view to relevant publics. 90003 90002 The online promotions field is indeed emerging. The field will soon spread into Geo targeting of adverts to people in specific locations via smart phones.Another example would be how social media targets adverts to you whilst you socialising online. Take a look at Marketing Teacher’s Blog for more up-to-date examples of the emerging online promotions space. 90003 .90000 Internet Marketing Services, Online Marketing Company, Website Marketing 90001 90002 Click For Page Shortcuts Menu 90003 We are an 90004 online marketing company 90005 with over 10 years of experience in 90004 internet marketing 90005, 90004 affordable SEO 90005 and 90004 website marketing 90005. 90012 Website marketing and internet marketing services. 90013 90014 90015 There are many definitions of 90004 marketing 90005 and the chances are that you will never hear two people use the same definition.In simple terms, marketing is the process or activity of creating, discussing and delivering a product or service which later turns into some sort of exchange. 90018 90014 An easy way of 90004 understanding internet marketing 90005 is simply to look at it as getting exposure for the product or service you are offering on the internet. However others will go that one step further to say everything that leads to sale is also considered to be the marketing process. 90018 90014 Offline and 90004 online marketing services 90005 including 90004 website marketing 90005 and 90004 internet marketing 90005 all require a lot of thought and strategic planning to make sure you get the absolute best results for the product or service you are going to offer.90018 90014 90004 Affordable internet marketing and advertising 90005 from an experienced 90004 online marketing agency 90005 can easily boost the value of your company. With the current state of the economy it seems now is the time to make the move into conducting business online. 90018 90012 Why is internet marketing important? 90013 90014 90040 90004 Digital marketing 90005 has recently become so popular it is recommended for almost all businesses of any size. The internet has essentially changed the way we work as human beings.It has given us a network of information allowing us to find almost any information that we might need, as well as communicate with people from all over the world. The truth is that the internet connects more people than you could ever directly connect in person. 90018 90014 With that in mind, 90004 marketing over the internet 90005 is not exactly new in the marketing game. Various companies took advantage early on and now it is a major part of most 90004 internet marketing and advertising strategies 90005.90018 90012 How has the internet changed marketing? 90013 90014 Internet affected traditional marketing significantly. Understanding just how big the internet is may be the first step to understanding why internet marketing is becoming so important to businesses. As previously mentioned, the internet connects millions of people from all over the world. Look at social media websites such as Facebook which has over 800 million active users every day. Imagine the exposure your business could get from having a proper advertising campaign on social media website.With that in mind 90004 Social Media Marketing 90005 through popular websites such as Twitter and Facebook is only a small part of the 90004 internet marketing campaign 90005. 90018 90012 Internet marketing is more effective than traditional advertising. 90013 90014 One of the biggest mistakes small businesses make today is ignoring the power and leverage online marketing offers in favor of the «tried and true», comfortable — and, honestly outdated — legacy approaches of traditional advertising.Now, this is not to suggest that «old-school» methods of advertising are obsolete or dead and gone. Nothing could be further from the truth. There’s still a lot of opportunity to make fantastic money with some of these old-school approaches, particularly as they become less cluttered with more people moving online. At the same time, though, more and more people are doing the bulk of their shopping — and almost all of their research — on the internet in a way that just was not possible previously. 90018 90014 According to information from the Advice Interactive Group, only 18% of traditional advertising continues to produce a positive return on investment.On top of that, 90% fast-forward through commercials whenever possible, and more people than ever before are subscribing to premium satellite radio services with less advertisements or listening to podcasts and streaming media as opposed to terrestrial radio. 90018 90014 We do not even have to tell you how often people throw out junk mail before even thinking about opening it. The odds are pretty good you do the same every day! 90018 90014 On the flip side of things, however, more and more businesses are finding real advertising success online.90018 90014 More than 75% of all consumers in North America use the internet on a daily basis, with Google searches alone representing 20% of all lead generation results for small to mid-sized businesses. 90018 90014 90% of those that use the internet state that they regularly do product and service research online more than anywhere else, and most take advantage of the internet to find local businesses — and their contact information — before they visit brick and mortar operations in their own area.90018 90014 At the end of the day, online marketing are very much on the rise. Small businesses — particularly those in competitive industries — have to start taking advantage of everything that the internet offers as far as reach, targeting, and return on investment are concerned. 90018 90012 Marketing for small and large businesses. 90013 90014 If you do not 90004 market your small or large business 90005, you will not be able to generate leads or make your products and services known. 90004 Marketing your business 90005 is an ongoing job and should never end no matter how successful you may be.Why is this important? The reason is that new competitors are surfacing day by day. More and more consumers are using the internet on their home computers as well as their mobile phones or other mobile devices to find what they need. 90018 90014 Small businesses will not profit without winning over the competition so you must have 90004 local business marketing 90005, 90004 small business SEO 90005 and also 90004 internet marketing for small businesses 90005 in place. There are many routes you can take to help get more exposure for yourself and your products as well as services.90018 90014 You must create an online presence using various methods. Do not stick with just one method. Having a website in addition to offline exposure can help you rise even higher toward your success goal. 90018 90092 90093 90004 Online marketing for small and large companies 90005 is an effective and economical way to get more talk about your products, services and your company. You do not need to spend much to get the job done so a small budget will work just as well as a large budget. You can easily reach your target audience and improve your visibility factor.90096 90093 Not only will you be able to reach your local or domestic market, but the international market as well. You’ll get prospects around the world that you could not easily reach simply by marketing offline. 90004 Business marketing 90005 can provide you with endless possibilities to expand and grow your business. You’ll also have the ability to do business around the clock even when your physical office is closed. 90096 90093 Brand awareness is easy when you use the power of the internet.If you setup your 90004 marketing for small business 90005 properly, you’ll reap many benefits like more traffic and better presence online. You will be able to compete and stand tall against competitors that have already built good, strong businesses. 90096 90105 90012 How can website marketing help your business? 90013 90014 90109 You are probably well aware of search engines and how they are used by almost everybody to find information, a product or a service of any type. What you might not understand is how certain websites are ranked at the top of the results and just how much this can benefit a business.Fortunately for businesses, Google has a Keyword Tool that allows you too see how many people both globally and locally search for your particular service or product on average each month. As an example we are going to look at «Window Tinting» in the eyes of a window tints supplier. 90018 90014 The keyword tool is able to tell us that tens of thousands of people search for window tinting each month globally. With an average amount of monthly searches in mind we now need to know just how much exposure the top spots of search results could potentially get.In fact, it is rumored that the website ranked first for any given keyword will receive around forty percent of all of the search engine traffic of that specific keyword, with the rest of the first page results having an almost equal share of the remainder. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on pages tend to get very little traffic, if any at all. 90018 90014 Forty percent of this traffic will bring you thousands of very targeted and niche specific potential customers visiting your website each month. With window tinting not being a cheap service this could result in thousands or hundreds of thousands of extra profits each month.Above you can see an example of how traffic from 90004 search engine optimization 90005 and 90004 link building services 90005 helped increase sales by 57% for one of our customers. 90018 90012 Marketing process 90013 90014 When you think about the 90004 internet marketing process 90005 it is quite easy to recognize that it does not only relates to the provider, it also relates directly to the customer. Marketing holds all of the tools and strategies used to entice a customer into buying or trying a product.If the marketing is successful then your company will gain value through the consumers purchase. 90018 90014 An example of this is something as simple as cold calling. Cold calling is a very old marketing technique that simply requires you to dial a phone number and try to sell your product or a service to the person that answers the phone. Once you are live on the phone you use your sales pitch to try and sell the product. This is marketing. Advertising on billboards, magazines, television; all of these are part of the marketing process.90018 90012 What do internet marketing services include? 90013 90129 90004 Internet marketing services 90005 do not consist of one simple process. In fact, an effective 90004 internet marketing agency 90005 will use various, well-known techniques that are proven to work in the world of online trading. Here is a brief introduction to several of these techniques: 90134 SEO services: 90135 90004 Search engine optimization 90005 is used to help your website rank in the top positions of a search engines for your targeted keywords.This can get you a lot of recognition and very targeted leads as long as your make sure you are targeting the correct keywords. 90134 Google business optimization: 90135 Google My Business and 90004 Google Maps 90005 have been created to allow businesses to list their website with Google. This makes 90004 SEO for businesses 90005 and 90004 local SEO 90005 a lot more easier. With the use of customer reviews and recommendations your Google Places listing can be optimized to get even more sales with minimum effort.90134 Social media: 90135 90004 Social Media 90005 is constantly growing its popularity in the 90004 online advertising and marketing 90005 industry. Much like the internet as a whole, social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter bring together millions of people. Using social media fan pages and business pages you can have your business put out there and recommended to thousands of locally targeted people in an instant. With that in mind, there are various other ways social media can be used as part of an 90004 strategic internet marketing services 90005.90134 Pay per click advertising: 90135 With both Google and Social Media pay per click advertising you can target your potential customers as soon as your ads get approved. However, keep in mind, even Pay Per Click advertising requires at least 30-60 days for proper campaign optimization to deliver the best results. 90134 Product and shopping conversion optimization: 90135 90014 Internet marketing means selling products or services over the internet. Our 90004 internet marketing company 90005 will provide you with the right 90004 internet marketing solutions 90005 to ensure that your product is recognized and easily found over the internet.One way of doing this is by submitting your products to Google Shopping and ensuring you can rank high based upon popular customer sort queries (such as price low to high, popularity, good reviews etc). 90018 90014 One thing we can certainly say about all of these processes involved in internet marketing is that they all have one thing in common; they get your company more recognition. However, this recognition is no longer on a small, local scale; it is on a national if not global scale. 90018 90012 How much does internet marketing service cost? 90013 90014 As you can imagine with 90004 full internet marketing services 90005 offering so much, in terms of company growth, the costs associated are often quite high and expensive.However we are happy to offer 90004 affordable internet marketing 90005 to try and keep prices as low as possible. 90018 90014 We understand that some businesses do not want to fork out thousands of dollars instantly to firms claiming they have everything you need. With our 90004 affordable internet marketing services 90005 you’ll get a chance to see exactly what an 90004 internet marketing firm 90005 can do for you and your business without the expensive rates that often come with many 90004 internet marketing and consulting services 90005.90018 90012 Is internet marketing worth it? 90013 90014 The easiest way to put it is that the move into online trading is absolutely massive. We previously talked about how hard it would be to market or offer your products and services to an entire country via the means of physical presence. Well to put it simply, this is done in seconds with the use of a website and 90004 professional internet marketing 90005. 90018 90014 As soon as your website is live there are well over a million new potential clients that may have never even heard about your company or business before.This shows just how much impact 90004 internet business marketing 90005 can have on your business. 90018 90014 90004 Web internet marketing services 90005 also help your business keep up with the updates in technology. Not that long ago people were using thick books such as the Yellow Pages to find a product or a service. With the internet providing a much simpler, and more structured solution it is very easy to understand why the majority of the population now use the internet to find what they are looking for.90018 90014 With the current economy, many 90004 small businesses 90005 have found that a move to the internet is exactly what they need to take their business to the next level. The move to the internet means having an 90004 effective internet marketing strategy 90005 that can help you handle the huge expansion of conducting business over the internet. 90018 90014 Updated on 90203 July 6, 2020 90204 90018 90014 Tags: 1 on 1 marketing, 1 on1, 1on 1, 1on1, 1on1 website, a internet marketing company, about e marketing, about internet marketing, about online marketing, accelerate online marketing , ad agency near me, advanced digital marketing, advanced internet marketing, advertise on internet, advertise online business, advertise website, advertisement on website prices, advertising agencies near me, advertising agency internet advertising, advertising agency internet marketing, advertising and marketing on the internet, advertising and marketing websites, advertising business internet marketing, advertising companies near me, advertising company near me, advertising firms near me, advertising internet, advertising internet marketing, advertising marketing 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