User agent mozilla – User Agent Switcher – Загрузите это расширение для 🦊 Firefox (ru)

User Agent Switcher – Загрузите это расширение для 🦊 Firefox (ru)

Easily pose as another browser by changing the User-Agent header.*

Pretending to be a different browser can be useful in a number of different situations:

  • Some web pages require you to log in or buy a subscription to view their content, but give full read access to search engines.
  • Some web pages determine whether you’re using a mobile or desktop browser based on your user-agent.
  • Some web pages require you to use a specific browser to access their site.
  • And potentially more…
Note that your browser will not magically morph into a different piece of software just because it’s pretending to be some other software. If a web site locks you out because your browser does not support a feature they require then changing the User-Agent will not make any difference.

* Also changes navigator.userAgent, as well generating convincing values for several of the other navigator.* properties.

Translating “User-Agent Switcher” to a new language
Any help in translating this extension is greatly appreciated! To do so, simply visit our project on the WebLate hosted instance, create an account and either select an existing language or add a new one to get going. Thanks for helping out!

(Alternatively you may submit a merge request on GitLab with the updated translation files or send me the translations using the “Support E-mail”-Address.)

Getting Help
Found a bug or want a new feature? Please use the GitLab issue tracker to submit these instead of just mentioning them as part of your reviews. This way it becomes much easier for me to keep track of reported issues and get back to you if additional information is needed to help you.

Please note however that “User-Agent Switcher” is mostly in maintenance-only mode now and new features will not be added by me (the primary author, Alexander Schlarb) anymore. I’m still open for patches from the community however and would also welcome your support through the linked BountySource buttons under each Feature Request issue in the tracker.

Watching it work
If you want to watch User Agent Changer work, there are a few things you could try:

  • Use a web service (such as to see your currently sent User-Agent header.
  • Use the built-in Network Analyzer (Ctrl-Shift-Q) to view the User-Agent header.
  • Enter navigator.userAgent into the Scripting Console (Ctrl-Shift-K) to view the client-side User-Agent value.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why doesn’t the extension work on this very site (Mozilla/Firefox Add-ons)?

    To find out more about why these restrictions exist and how disable them if you must, please take a look at the following blog article:

    (This information was moved from this extension’s description to an external source, since a Mozilla reviewer felt that suggesting changes like the one proposed in the linked article are not acceptable for the listing of sandboxed browser extension.)

  • Why is the extension file so large (4 MiB) compared to others?

    In order to provide almost perfect emulation of User-Agent values, User Agent-Switcher bundles a stripped-down version of BrowsCap. This allows us to derive all relevant JavaScript navigator.* browser/OS identification values from just a single value: The User-Agent value you enter (and a bit of magic behind the scenes). Other extensions with a similarly complete level of emulation used to store all these values in huge tables along with the User-Agent value itself, making it very hard to add new entries.

    Doing this kind of emulation without using BrowsCap would be extremely hard for us, as there are only few rules regarding the structure of User-Agent strings and the most interesting part end up in the extremely browser-specific comment section of the string. As such, we consider these extra 3MiB+ of data shipped with the extension a fair price to pay for having almost perfect out-of-the-box emulation of all these values with no extra user configuration required.

    And yes, the BrowsCap data is here to stay and if you cannot cope with the extra size this causes please kindly download a different extension and don’t down-vote. Other people appreciate this decision even if you don’t.

User-Agent Switcher – Загрузите это расширение для 🦊 Firefox (ru)

Note: this addon is a revived version of User-Agent Switcher and is written with web-extensions API. Design and performance of this addon has been improved comparing to the old version (which is written with Add-on SDK).

User-Agent Switcher (revived) can quickly and easily changes your browser’s user-agent. There are 26 popular user-agent strings to choose from!

Important features:
a. Toolbar popup UI provides an easy interface to access 26 user-agents. Clicking on any UA, will change your browser’s user-agent after reload.
b. The first row in the panel UI is for mobile user-agents.
c. Second row is for desktop user-agents and third row is for desktop operating systems.
d. The last row in the panel UI is dedicated for the control options including a button to change the UA to its default value. A button to edit the current UA, you can also use it to copy the current UA to the clipboard. Moreover, you can specify a particular URL or domain so that UA is only applied to that URL or domain (read FAQ for detailed description)
e. There is also a status-bar in the panel to show the current UA and other info as you move the mouse within the popup UI.
f. Default UAs can be modified from the toolbar panel UI (v.0.1.4)

Some useful user-agents are as following:
1. iOS: an Apple OS for iPhone/iPad devices.
2. Android: a Google OS for various mobile devices including Nexus.
3. Windows Phone: a mobile OS from Microsoft for windows-phone devices.
4. Tizen: a new mobile OS form Samsung.
5. Symbian: an old mobile OS designed by Nokia.
6. Chrome: a browser build by Google.
7. Opera: a browser build by Opera Software ASA.
8. Firefox: a browser build by Mozilla.
9. Safari: a browser build by Apple.
10. Internet Explorer, Edge: two browsers build by Microsoft.

Note 1: in order to report Bugs, please visit add-on’s Homepage and fill the bug report form.

Note 2: in order to use custom user-agent strings, please use my other addon, Custom UserAgent String.

Как изменить User Agent в браузере Firefox? — SageLeo

Многие браузеры имеют встроенную возможность изменить свой идентификатор – User Agent. User Agent — это строка, которую используют веб-браузеры в качестве своего имени, она содержит имя браузера, версию операционной системы и другие параметры.

Зачем это нужно? По идентификатору пользовательского агента ваш браузер определяется сайтом и при необходимости оптимизирует содержимое для разных устройств, например таких, как смартфоны и планшеты. Изменение User Agent в браузере позволяет разработчику отладить свой сайт под разные устройства. Бывают и другие цели.

Где-то изменить данный параметр можно одним кликом, а где-то и посложнее. Браузер Firefox в этом плане не очень удобный, процедура не такая оперативная, как в браузере Safari, много лишних движений. Но такая возможность в нем есть.

В браузере Firefox (Mozilla) опция изменения User Agent спрятана на конфигурационной странице about:config.

В адресной строке Firefox наберите about:config и нажмите Enter. Вы увидите предупреждение: «Будьте осторожны, а то лишитесь гарантии!». Нажмите кнопку – «Я принимаю на себя риск».

Введите в поле поиска фразу «general.useragent.override». Если в результате поиска нашелся данный параметр, можете установить свое новое значение, например «Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1». Нажмите применить. Настройка вступит в силу моментально.

Если в результате поиска ничего не нашлось, создайте новый параметр, нажав правую кнопку мыши и выбрав пункт Создать, потом пункт Строка. В появившемся окошке введите имя нового параметра  «general.useragent.override», потом задайте новое значение этого параметра, то есть нужное вам значение пользовательского агента. Данная настройка также применится к браузеру моментально.

User-Agent — HTTP | MDN

Ви читаєте англійську версію цього вмісту, бо ще не існує перекладу для цієї мови. Допоможіть нам перекласти цю статтю!

Заголовок запиту User-Agent містить характерний рядок, який дозволяє однорідним мережевим протоколам ідентифікувати тип програми, операційну систему, постачальника програмного забезпечення або версію програмного забезпечення запитуючого користувацького агента програмного забезпечення.


User-Agent: <product> / <product-version> <comment>

Common format for web browsers:

User-Agent: Mozilla/<version> (<system-information>) <platform> (<platform-details>) <extensions>


A product identifier
A version number of the product.
Zero or more comments containing sub product information, for example.

Firefox UA string

For more details on Firefox and Gecko based user agent strings, see the Firefox user agent string reference. The UA string of Firefox itself is broken down into four components:

Mozilla/5.0 (platform; rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail Firefox/firefoxversion

  • Mozilla/5.0 is the general token that says the browser is Mozilla compatible, and is common to almost every browser today.
  • platform describes the native platform the browser is running on (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux or Android), and whether or not it’s a mobile phone. Firefox OS phones simply say «Mobile»; the web is the platform. Note that platform can consist of multiple «; «-separated tokens. See below for further details and examples.
  • rv:geckoversion indicates the release version of Gecko (such as «17.0»). In recent browsers, geckoversion is the same as
  • Gecko/geckotrail indicates that the browser is based on Gecko.
  • On Desktop, geckotrail is the fixed string «20100101»
  • Firefox/firefoxversion indicates the browser is Firefox, and provides the version (such as «17.0″).


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0

Chrome UA string

The Chrome (or Chromium/blink-based engines) user agent string is similar to the Firefox format. For compatibility, it adds strings like «KHTML, like Gecko» and «Safari».


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36

Opera UA string

The Opera browser is also based on the blink engine, which is why it almost looks the same, but adds «OPR/<version>».


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 OPR/38.0.2220.41

Safari UA string

In this example, the user agent string is mobile safari version. It contains the word «Mobile».


Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1

Internet Explorer UA string


Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0)

Crawler and bot UA strings


Googlebot/2.1 (+


Browser compatibility

The compatibility table in this page is generated from structured data. If you’d like to contribute to the data, please check out and send us a pull request.

See also

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