Как стримить в инстаграмме: «Как провести прямой эфир в инстаграме?» – Яндекс.Кью

Как вести прямой эфир в Инстаграм? Стрим в Instagram

прямой эфир инстаграм
Замечали наверное, что большинство прямых эфиров в Инстаграм унылые и неинтересные? Но при это есть исключения, когда пользователи собирают внушительную аудиторию и удерживают её на протяжении целого часа. Давайте разберемся, как у них это выходит.

Почему прямой эфир это хорошо

Прямой Эфир — пожалуй самый живой и открытый формат в Instagram. Это эффективный способ увлечь аудиторию, и просто и честно поговорить с ней. Общаясь в стриме вы раскрываете свою личность, знакомите подписчиков с собой, в конце концов становитесь их другом.

Трансляция увеличивает видимость, т.к. Инстаграм отправляет push-уведомления вашим подписчикам.

Эфир это возможность быстро получить обратную связь в режиме реального времени.

Подготовка к эфиру

Заранее определитесь с местом откуда будете вещать. Оно должно быть светлым, и на фоне не должно быть отвлекающих вещей.

Запланируйте эфир на вечернее время и оповестите свою аудиторию заранее через сторис или в описании ближайших постов. Так же не забудьте рассказать о грядущем событии в других соц. сетях.

Подойдите к эфиру в хорошей форме. Нельзя быть сонным и вялым. Сделайте десятку приседаний, подтянитесь на турнике чтобы взбодриться. Поставьте музыку на фоне ; )

Идея и цель прямого эфира

Есть конечно вероятность, что вы превосходны в импровизации и вам не нужна подготовка, но как правило трансляция базируется на какой-либо теме или идее. Вот небольшой список идей, от которых вы можете оттолкнуться.
  • Продемонстрируйте новинки и получите первую обратную связь, заинтригуйте зрителей анонсом грядущих изменений
  • Ответьте на самые часто задаваемые вопросы. Предложите подписчикам спросить вас о том, что их интересует.
  • Проведите экскурсию по вашему рабочему месту. Покажите, как трудятся ваши коллеги.
  • Расскажите о том, как вы решили ту или иную проблему и добились своей цели. Поделитесь своими успехами.
  • Проведите небольшой мастер-класс или просто покажите процесс вашей работы.
  • Поделитесь источниками вдохновения: любимые сайты, книги, авторы и т.д.
  • Соберите подборку из последних новостей и обсудите их с аудиторией.
  • Пообщайтесь с другом, коллегой, экспертом в вашей области или представителем популярного бренда.

Взаимодействие со зрителями

Очень важно не давать зрителям скучать, поэтому вы не должны допускать длинных пауз. Это не значит что нужно заранее заготовить огромный текст и следовать ему, но общий сценарий должен быть обязательно.

Если у вас мало зрителей, то важно не терять связь с каждым их них. Когда-то заходит в ваш эфир, желательно поздороваться с этим человеком, либо помахать ему. Так же желательно сразу попытаться вовлечь его в диалог, задав какой-либо вопрос.

Закрепить комментарий

Если в вашем эфире есть основная тема, то можно указать её в закрепленном комментарии. Таким образом пользователи, которые подключились в середине трансляции сразу смогут понять о чём идёт речь.

Также вы можете отключить все комментарии, если не хотите чтобы зрители отвлекались и отвлекали вас. Для этого нажмите три точки в правом нижнем углу экрана и выберите «Отключить комментарии».

Завершение видео

Вы можете транслировать видео в прямом эфире в течение часа. Не забудьте подвести итоги эфира и попрощаться со зрителями. Также вы можете оставить запись эфира в доступе еще на сутки. Если эфир был горячим и результативным, можно сделать отдельный пост по его итогам, с разбором основных моментов и объявить дату следующего стрима.

Видеотрансляции в Instagram — описание новой функции

Как записать видео в Instagram?

Для записи видео в Инстаграм необходимо нажать на Плюсик в верхнем левом углу. Далее приложение переводит вас на свой интерфейс камеры с возможностью включения вспышки и смены фронтальной камеры на основную. Это так называемые

Мои истории, которые может записывать каждый пользователь. Истории хранятся в приложении всего 24 часа.


Как начать онлайн-трансляцию?

Когда обновление будет доступно для всех пользователей, для записи трансляции необходимо будет также перейти в Мои истории. Как только трансляция будет завершена, возможности скачать или посмотреть ее уже не будет. Записи видеоэфиров вестись не будут (для сравнения, стримы в Перископе хранятся в течение суток).


Как работают трансляции в Instagram?

В Моих историях Инстаграм, по аналогии с Перископом, будет вестись онлайн-трансляция, которую в прямом эфире смогут комментировать другие пользователи. К тому же, автору трансляции могут ставить неограниченное количество лайков.

Комментарии разработчика

Кевин Вайль, руководитель направления, так прокомментировал отсутствие возможности сохранять видео трансляций — вы можете чувствовать себя комфортно, так как знаете, что потом (

прим.: по завершении трансляции) ничего не останется.

Шилпа Саркар, продакт-менеджер трансляций Инстаграм сообщила, что команда при разработке опции черпала вдохновение из недавно появившейся функции видео — давать возможность молодым людям проводить время вместе. «После школы они прыгают в прямой эфир и зависают там. Это возможность трансляции особенно нам интересна».


Особенность трансляций от Инстаграм

В отличие от аналогов, Инстаграм в своих онлайн-трансляциях делает ставку на более доверительный и непринужденный характер общения. Когда трансляция начинается, уведомления будут приходить только части ваших подписчиков — тем, кто вовлечен в ваши фото и видеозаписи. Если же к трансляции подключится кто-то нежелательный, вы сможете заблокировать его и навсегда отключить от своих эфиров.

В то же время, Instagram стремится вовлечь вас в стримы неизвестных людей, вставляя их в верхнюю ленту рекомендуемых трансляций. С одной стороны, это позволяет вам найти интересных собеседников и расширить круг общения, с другой стороны, это полностью противоречит политике доверительного общения «в кругу близких друзей», о чем заявляет сам разработчик.

Как сделать трансляцию в Instagram с компьютера из vMix

Самый легкий способ провести прямую трансляцию в инстаграм с компьютера на примере программы vMix — то есть мы будем стримить в инсту прямо из vMix 🙂

САЙТ ДЛЯ СТРИМА в Instagram из vMix: http://app.loola.tv

Регистрируйтесь там, и подключайте свой (или чужой) аккаунт инстаграмма. Для этого нужно знать логин-пароль и иметь доступ к аккаунту, так как нужно будет его подтвердить в самом инстаграмме — приложение Loola.tv будет запрашивать доступ к аккаунту — разрешите.

После этого в самом vMix включаем внешний выход External Output, и в настройках (в правом нижнем углу) loola.tv выбираем источник видео — vMix Video, и звук!

Для того, чтобы звук с вашего компьютера смог играть в стриме инстаграмма, нужно поставить виртуальную звуковую карту: https://www.vb-audio.com/Cable/index.htm

Инструкция для активации виртуальной звуковой карты: https://support.loola.tv/using-additional-streaming-softwares/how-to-set-up-obs-audio

ЗАБЫЛ СКАЗАТЬ! По умолчанию сервис накладывает небольшой оверлей своего логотипа на вашу трансляцию. Чтобы его убрать — нужно всего ничего — 

Упомянуть Loola на Twitter / Instagram / Facebook 
Постримить с логотипом для более 250 одновременных зрителей на одной платформе (ютубе, инсте)ers on a single platform (YouTube / TikTok / Instagram only).
Расшарить пост про них / или сделать видос о них :)))))
И внедриться в команду бета-тестеров.

Так что если вам понравилось стримить в инстаграм через loola.tv — смело пишите им и просите убрать логотип, если собираетесь стримить в инсту с компьютера из vMix, Wirecast, или OBS.

Помните, что использование сервиса полностью на вашей ответственности. Никто кроме вас не может отвечать за ваши действия, и ходил где-то слух, что инстаграмм может как-то забанить аккаунты, которые стримят с внешних видеокодеков. Но уже дофига кто стримит, и дальше примеров банов пока не было. Потестируйте у себя, прежде чем предлагать клиентам.


• Чат в телеграм: https://t-do.ru/avstreamchat

Прямой эфир со сторонних видеопотоков

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Как запустить прямой эфир в Инстаграм с компьютера

В 2016 году разработчики добавили функцию стримов, чтобы пользователи взаимодействовали с подписчиками онлайн. Режим прижился и активно используется пользователями с аудиторией даже меньше ста человек. Включения проводят через официальный клиент сервиса для смартфонов и планшетов. В этой статье вы узнаете, как запустить прямой эфир в Инстаграм с компьютера.

Начать стрим с ПК

Войти в сервис с ПК можно тремя способами:

  • Перейти в веб-версию. Она первая в результатах любой поисковой системы.
  • Скачать клиент для Виндовс или Мак.
  • Установить эмулятор мобильной платформы.

В веб-версии и программе проводить включения нельзя – только смотреть. Остается только скачать эмулятор. Но не все ПК тянут подобные программы.

Дополнительно: Как включить прямой эфир на Айфоне, узнайте в другой статье.

Требования для ПК:

  • ОЗУ (память) — от 2 ГБ.
  • Поддержка виртуализации.
  • Наличие последней версии драйверов.

Работают программы по одинаковому алгоритму:

  • Скачать.
  • Установить.
  • Запустить.
  • Ввести данные учетной записи гугл или iCloud.
  • Установить нужное приложение из маркета.

Интерфейс Инстаграм на эмуляторе идентичен с мобильным. О том, как запустить стрим на Ютубе через OBS здесь.

Как запустить трансляцию:

  • Кликните на иконку профиля в ленте.
  • Внизу выберите нужный режим.
  • Нажмите Начать.
  • Чтобы закончить, коснитесь Завершить вверху.

О том, как посмотреть прямой эфир Instagram, читайте в другой статье.

Популярные эмуляторы


  • Bluestacks;
  • Nox App Player;
  • Android Droid4x.


  • iPadian iPhone Emulator;
  • Xamarin Testflight;
  • Air iPhone Emulator.

Теперь вы знаете, как в Инстаграме включить прямой эфир на компьютере.

Читайте, как сохранить прямой эфир в другом обзоре. А так же

90000 How to go live on Instagram? 90001 90002 Currently, Instagram does not officially support direct live streaming outside their mobile application. As soon as streaming to Instagram over RTMP is officially supported, we will add it to our supported services. 90003 90002 However, you can still live stream to Instagram with Restream using a third-party service like Yellow Duck, which allows you to get an RTMP link and key. Streaming platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook provide constant stream keys, which allows you to set up your stream just once.If you are planning live streaming or scheduling an event on Instagram, the stream key needs to be added two minutes before the stream goes live. 90003 90002 90007 90008 90003 90002 In order to set up streaming to Instagram, you will need to add the channel Custom RTMP (for Yellow Duck) in your Restream. Please follow this guide on how to set up and use Yellow Duck with Restream. 90003 90002 90013 Tip: 90014 Videos on IGTV and stories are shown in the portrait orientation (the 9:16 ratio).We recommend you to stick to this ratio when streaming to Instagram. 90003 90002 Using YellowDuck would be considered a Custom Destination and would require one of our paid plans. For example, live streaming to an Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook group requires at least a Professional plan. For more information on choosing the best subscription plan, please check our Restream Plans FAQ. 90003 90002 90013 Tip: 90014 Our Professional plan also offers you an ability to remove Restream branding from your streams.90003 90002 You can live stream your pre-recorded videos to Instagram with the help of Restream Scheduler. You would need at least a Restream Standard subscription plan and free Scheduler plan for that matter. Just like with regular live streaming, you would need to add your stream key two minutes before the scheduled event. 90003 90002 Because the Instagram stream key is valid for only a couple of minutes, you need to set up the Instagram stream two minutes before the actual stream. 90003 90002 90013 90028 Note: 90029 90014 90028 Yellow Duck is not affiliated with, authorized, or endorsed by either Restream or Instagram.Use it at your own risk. 90029 90003 90034 👉 Next steps 90035 90034 👍 Keep exploring 90035 90002 ________________________________ 90003 90002 90013 Would you like to learn some tricks from the community? 90014 90003 90002 Join our Discord and Twitter. 90045 90003 90002 90013 Can not find the right answer? 90014 90003 90002 Contact the Restream Support team via our 24/7 Live Chat. 90003.90000 What Is Instagram Live? The Complete Guide to Going Live in 2020 90001 90002 Instagram Live is 90003 literally 90004 a shortcut to the top. 90005 90002 Here’s how: Instagram Live works as part of Instagram Stories, which now has more than 500 million daily active users. 90005 90002 90009 90005 90002 What’s more, Instagram Stories are displayed at the top of the feed, so they’re far more likely to catch users ‘attention than regular content. 90005 90002 It gets better. 90005 90002 When you use Instagram Live, you’re bumped to 90003 first place 90004 in the Stories that are shown above the feed.90005 90002 90020 90005 90002 So forget about losing out to Instagram’s algorithm — Instagram Live is a shortcut to the front of the line. 90005 90002 And that’s just the beginning. 90005 90002 How can you harness this phenomenon to capture attention, make connections, and build your brand? 90005 90002 In this article, I’ll take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to produce a successful Instagram Live stream. You’ll learn all about Instagram Live’s features and settings, as well as how to plan and promote your broadcast.90005 90002 Buckle up. 90005 90002 Discover thousands of products you can start selling online. No commitment, no credit card required. 90005 90002 Get Oberlo Now. It’s Free. 90005 90036 What is Instagram Live? 90037 90002 Instagram Live is a feature that works within Instagram Stories and allows users to broadcast live videos to other users on the platform. 90005 90002 Instagram Stories are shown at the top of the feed. Any accounts that are currently live will include the «Live» icon.90005 90002 90043 To view an Instagram Live video, simply tap on the Story thumbnail. The image below of John Mayer performing on Instagram Live shows the viewer’s interface. 90005 90002 90046 90005 90002 So why should you use Instagram Live? 90005 90036 The Power of Instagram Live for Businesses 90037 90002 More than 500 million people use Instagram every day. 90005 90002 That’s a lot of eyeballs. 90005 90002 90057 90005 90002 The platform has 1 billion monthly active users.Additionally, according to Instagram, 50% of users say they follow at least one brand on the platform. 90005 90002 But here’s the best part: 90005 90002 According to Instagram stats for 2020 року, at least 80% of Instagram users rely on Instagram to decide whether to buy a product or service. 90005 90002 Okay, so Instagram is a powerful marketing channel — but what about Instagram 90003 Live 90004? 90005 90002 90070 90005 90002 Remember, Instagram Live bumps your content to the first position in Stories at the top of user’s feeds.90005 90002 This is 90003 awesome. 90004 90005 90002 What’s more, followers who have not turned off Instagram Live notifications will get a message telling them when you go live. 90005 90002 90081 90005 90002 This notification can be a huge help in exposing your broadcasts to more of your followers. 90005 90002 Plus, your audience can submit their questions and comments on your video in real-time. This can be a great way to get insights and feedback directly from people who matter to your business.90005 90002 Moreover, you can now post Sticker Q & A’s into your Live Instagram Stories. 90005 90002 Before, it was overwhelming to go through all the questions in the comments during a live session, but now a simple question box allows you to easily sift through questions to answer throughout the live video. 90005 90002 90092 90005 90002 You can take advantage of this feature by posting a Question Sticker on your Instagram Story before hosting a live session on Instagram. 90005 90002 Once Live, tap on the «question mark button» at the bottom of your screen to start answering.90005 90002 To top it off, after you’ve finished broadcasting your Instagram Live video, you can post it to your Story, where it will be available for 24 hours. 90005 90002 Still, Instagram Live’s potential goes far beyond these tactics. 90005 90002 For example, you can stream Instagram Live to both mobile and desktop users. 90005 90002 For the purpose, you just need to go live, and Instagram will place a magenta-colored «Live» button at the right of your account in the Instagram Stories panel.90005 90002 So, when someone opens Instagram on the web and views the Instagram Stories panel, they’ll know that you are hosting a live session. 90005 90002 90109 90005 90002 Source 90005 90002 Instagram Live video does away with the crevasse that sits between those who broadcast and those who consume. It provides intuitive real-time interactivity and collaboration. This means it’s the ultimate tool for building strong relationships with customers. 90005 90002 It’s no wonder 80 percent of people would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog.90005 90002 All in all, Instagram Live is a powerful way to reach and engage with your target audience. 90005 90002 Sold? 90005 90036 How to Use Instagram Live 90037 90002 Now that you understand the potential of this marketing tool, let’s take an in-depth look at how to use Instagram Live. 90005 90002 First thing’s first: 90005 90127 Step 1: Set a Schedule 90128 90002 Like many things in life, consistency is key. 90005 90002 To reach more people and build strong relationships with your audience, you need to go live regularly.90005 90002 The best way to do this is to set a schedule and stick to it. 90005 90002 For example, if you plan to go live every Thursday at 7 pm, you can promote this weekly event to your audience. Then, in time, your more engaged followers will look forward to each Instagram Live video. 90005 90127 Step 2: Identify Your Goal 90128 90002 To get the most out of your Instagram Live videos, it’s important to know exactly why you’re doing them. 90005 90002 In other words, what are you hoping to achieve from your broadcasts? 90005 90002 Perhaps you want to strengthen customer relations, grow your following, increase email signups, or boost sales of a specific product.90005 90002 And although you might like to do all of those things, it’s best to prioritize one per broadcast. That way, every part of your Instagram Live stream will be aligned with achieving your goal. 90005 90002 It’s also important to make sure that your goal is in line with your overall marketing strategy. 90005 90002 Once you’re clear about your aim and the main call to action that you’ll use throughout your broadcast, you can determine how long you want your broadcast to be, and which topics and themes you’ll cover.90005 90127 Step 3: Choose a Format 90128 90002 Is not nobody got time for «ums» and «ahs.» 90005 90002 By sticking to a format, viewers will know what to expect and you’ll have a basic framework to keep things interesting and moving along. 90005 90002 Here are four popular Instagram live stream formats that you could start with: 90005 90159 → Host a Q & A Session 90160 90002 Q & As are simple to execute and extremely effective. The entire format is about collaboration with viewers.90005 90002 By openly responding to questions in real time, viewers can find the answers to the questions they’re most curious about while getting to know the people behind the brand. 90005 90159 → Launch or Announce Something New 90160 90002 If you’re launching a new product or service or announcing some big news, why not make it a party? You can promote the launch, interact with your followers, and maybe even give away some prizes! 90005 90159 → Take Viewers Behind the Scenes 90160 90002 Humans are innately curious beings, and we all love to know what goes on behind closed doors.Thankfully, there are tons of ways you can take viewers behind the scenes, such as: 90005 90173 90174 Show your audience how things are made 90175 90174 Take them on a tour 90175 90174 Introduce them to the team 90175 90174 Show off the set of your latest video 90175 90182 90159 → Do an Interview or Collaborate 90160 90002 Collaborating is a great way to create engaging content and grow on social media. It’s a win-win situation: You promote your collaborator to your followers, and they promote you to theirs.90005 90002 Plus, Instagram Live is perfect for collaborations as the app lets you go live with other accounts — more on this in a minute. 90005 90159 → Do Something Unexpected 90160 90002 If you typically record Instagram Live videos in your home or office, consider surprising your audience by going live from an exotic location. 90005 90002 Or, come up with a competition during the broadcast and give viewers a chance to participate and win in real-time. 90005 90002 By using an element of surprise in your Instagram Live sessions, you’ll leave people intrigued and wondering what you’ll do next.90005 90127 Step 4: Promote Your Stream 90128 90002 Do not just go live and hope people show up. Instead, whip up some excitement beforehand. 90005 90002 This can be as simple as posting on your other social media accounts or sending an email to your list about your upcoming Instagram Live stream. 90005 90002 For example, Sassy Antler Boutique shared this Instagram post to promote one of their Instagram Live streams: 90005 90002 90206 90005 90002 When it comes to promotion, having a regular schedule is extremely helpful.90005 90002 That way, you’re not just promoting a one-off event, and you do not have to drum up an audience from scratch every time you go live. 90005 90127 Step 5: Access the Instagram Story Camera 90128 90002 Okay, now let’s take a look at the nuts and bolts. 90005 90002 As I mentioned before, Instagram Live is a feature within Stories. To access the Story camera, tap the camera icon in the top-left of the screen or swipe right. 90005 90002 90219 90005 90002 The first time that you use Instagram Stories, you’ll need to enable your phone’s camera and microphone access.90005 90002 90224 90005 90127 Step 6: Select Instagram Live 90128 90002 The Instagram Story camera allows you to create and share nine different types of content. 90005 90230 90174 Type 90175 90174 Live 90175 90174 Normal 90175 90174 Boomerang 90175 90174 Music 90175 90174 Focus 90175 90174 Superzoom 90175 90174 Rewind 90175 90174 Hands-free 90175 90249 90002 Use the sliding menu at the bottom of the screen to select «Live.» 90005 90002 90253 90005 90127 Step 7: Configure Your Instagram Story Settings 90128 90002 Before you go live, you’ll want to check your Instagram Story settings.To do this, tap the settings gear icon at the top-left of the screen. 90005 90002 90260 90005 90002 Here, you’ll see Instagram’s «Story Controls.» 90005 90002 The first setting allows you to hide your Stories from specific people, and underneath, you can choose who can reply to your Story. 90005 90002 As a business, you’ll want to make sure that replies can be sent by everyone, as this will allow you to better interact with your audience. 90005 90002 90269 90005 90002 Next, Instagram lets you automatically save your Stories to your camera roll or your Instagram archive.90005 90002 If you do not want to use up valuable phone space, just turn on the archive feature and you’ll be able to view your Stories in the archive when they disappear after 24 hours. 90005 90002 90276 90005 90002 The last feature allows you to automatically share Instagram Stories to your Facebook Business page. 90005 90002 Take advantage of this opportunity to engage your Facebook followers without having to create more content on Facebook Stories. 90005 90002 90283 90005 90002 Ready? 90005 90127 Step 8: Go Live on Instagram! 90128 90002 Tap «Start Live Video» and Instagram will notify your followers that you’re live.To double-check that you’re live, look for the «Live» icon in the top-left corner of the screen. 90005 90002 90292 90005 90002 If you’d like to check how long you’ve been live, just tap the «Live» icon and it will show you the timer. 90005 90002 90297 90005 90127 Step 9: Switch Between Camera Views 90128 90002 Today, nearly all smartphones are equipped with both front-facing and rear-facing cameras. 90005 90002 Instagram Live allows you to switch between these cameras while you’re live — just like you would on a video call with a friend.90005 90002 This is 90003 awesome. 90004 90005 90002 When you’re live, you’ll often want to share what’s happening in the moment, 90003 and 90004 your reaction and comments. 90005 90002 So do not be afraid to switch it up to keep it interesting! 90005 90002 90316 90005 90127 Step 10: Go Live with Another Account 90128 90002 In August 2017, Instagram released the «Go Live with a Friend» feature. It enables you to add another Instagram account to your broadcast. 90005 90002 This feature is especially useful for conducting interviews or collaborations.90005 90002 To go live with another account, tap the icon featuring two smiley faces and select who you’d like to go live with. Then tap «Add.» 90325 90005 90002 The other user will receive a notification telling them that you want them to be in your live video. They can then tap «Go Live with @yourusername» or decline the invitation. 90005 90002 90330 Plus, if any of your viewers want to join your Instagram Live video, they can hit the «Request» button in the comments section. 90005 90002 When this happens, you’ll see a notification for each request in the comments section.90005 90002 Simply tap «View» and then accept or decline the request. If you accept, you’ll have a moment to prepare before the screen is split in half and you are live together. 90005 90002 90337 90005 90002 The icon with two smiley faces will also have a red number showing how many requests you have. 90005 90002 Just tap the icon to see both requests and current viewers. Here, you can either accept a viewer’s request or invite a viewer to join you. 90005 90127 Step 11: Use Face Filters 90128 90002 Your Instagram Live streams will not always go according to plan — it is 90003 live 90004 after all.90005 90002 So, if you encounter a slow patch or you feel the excitement drop, take advantage of face filters. This feature lets you inject a little fun and humor into your broadcast. 90005 90002 90352 To use them, tap the smiley icon with the stars. Then scroll along to find new filters to try! 90005 90002 90355 90005 90002 If you’re looking for a safe bet, start with the puppy ears face filter. Instagram revealed it to be the most-used face filter followed by: 90005 90230 90174 Sleep mask 90175 90174 Bunny ears 90175 90174 Love with heart-shaped darts 90175 90174 Koala ears 90175 90249 90002 90370 90005 90372 90002 Instagram Live streams are all about connecting, engaging, and relating to your audience in real-time.90005 90002 So do not forget to interact in the comments. 90005 90002 90378 90005 90002 If possible, have someone dedicated to answering comments during the broadcast. If this is not possible, you can still ask viewers to submit questions and answer them as you go along. 90005 90002 And do not forget to address commenters and thank some individual viewers by name for joining the stream. 90005 90002 Plus, you can try and use a few Question Stickers to see if it improves your overall engagement.90005 90002 These simple techniques can be extremely powerful. 90005 90002 Not only will you receive more comments, the dynamic will become more intimate and you’ll also make viewers feel valued. At this point, it’s not you broadcasting to them — instead, it’s a collaborative conversation where you’re all hanging out together. 90005 90127 Step 13: Share Your Instagram Live Stream 90128 90002 While you’re live, make sure to ask viewers to share your live stream and invite others to join you.90005 90002 If there’s someone in particular that you’d like to share your Instagram Live stream with, you can notify them directly. 90005 90002 To do this, just tap the paper airplane icon and select who you’d like to share your Instagram Live with. Then add a message and hit «Send.» 90005 90002 90399 90005 90127 Step 14: End Your Instagram Live Video 90128 90002 Before you go, be sure to thank viewers for tuning in. 90005 90002 This is also a good time to present a call to action, such as asking viewers to sign up to your mailing list to be notified about future Instagram Live videos, or to follow you on Twitter where you’ll answer questions for another 30 minutes .90005 90002 When you’re ready, just tap «End» to finish your Instagram Live video. 90005 90002 90410 90005 90127 Step 15: Save and Share Your Instagram Live Video 90128 90002 Once you’ve finished your broadcast, you can save your Instagram Live video to your phone’s camera roll by tapping the «Save» icon. 90005 90002 90417 90005 90002 This can be useful if you think you might like to use snippets of the Instagram Live video in future content. Plus, after a few broadcasts, you can compile the best clips to create an Instagram Live trailer which you can use to promote upcoming broadcasts.90005 90002 Keep in mind that only the video is saved, and not interactions like comments, likes, and views. 90005 90002 Next, tap «Share» at the bottom of the screen to add your Instagram Live video to your Story so users can view it for 24 hours. 90005 90002 90426 90005 90002 If you do not want to share your Instagram Live video to your Story, just tap the toggle and choose «Discard,» and your live video will disappear from the app. 90005 90002 Once you’ve shared your Instagram Live video to your Story, followers will see the «Play» icon added to your Story image.90005 90002 90433 90005 90002 Then, they can tap your Story to watch the video and see comments and likes from the original broadcast. 90005 90002 Cool, right? 90005 90002 They can also tap the right or left side of the screen to jump forward or back 15 seconds or tap «Send Message» to reply. If you share multiple Instagram Live replays, viewers will see arrows at the top of the screen to easily jump between videos. 90005 90002 Lastly, when watching your own replay, the number of viewers shown will include everyone who saw it live and in Stories.90005 90127 Step 16: Post Your Instagram Live Video to IGTV 90128 90002 Until May 2020 року, you could only share Instagram Live videos as Stories, but they’d be broken up into 15-second clips and disappear after 24 hours. 90005 90002 Today, you can share your Instagram Live video to IGTV as soon as the broadcast is over, courtesy of new updates to the video application. 90005 90002 The option comes at a time when a number of creatives and users are turning to Instagram Live in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.90005 90002 Whether it’s a yoga lesson, a recipe class, or a virtual concert — live video has become an important channel for creators and audiences to connect with each other. 90005 90002 Given this increase in consumption of live video, sharing your content on IGTV is a great way to reach new audiences and extend the availability of your broadcasts. 90005 90002 To share a recording of your Instagram Live video, select the «Share to IGTV» option after your broadcast ends, select a cover photo for the video, and hit publish.90005 90002 90458 90005 90002 When using IGTV for Instagram Live, keep these things in mind: 90005 90173 90174 Your viewers will be recounted once you share the Instagram Live video to IGTV. 90175 90174 Live video recordings will not include any comments or reactions from your original Instagram Live video. 90175 90174 There’s no way to trim or edit your live broadcast before posting it to IGTV. 90175 90182 90002 Despite the few shortcomings, sharing live videos to IGTV is a great way to archive your content so your audiences can catch them more than 24 hours later.90005 90036 Conclusion 90037 90002 Instagram Live is a fantastic tool to reach and engage your audience in a compelling and intimate way. 90005 90002 And with live video becoming a larger part of people’s daily communications, getting to grips with this powerful medium now is certain to pay dividends in the future. 90005 90002 For best results: 90005 90173 90174 Plan ahead of time. Make sure you know what you hope to achieve, what call to action you’ll promote, and what format you’ll use.90175 90174 Make sure to promote your Instagram Live stream before and after the event. 90175 90174 Finally, 90003 have fun 90004 and do not worry too much about making mistakes — remember, it’s 90003 live! 90004 90175 90182 90002 «It’s important to remember that viewers are not expecting to see a Broadway actor recite a powerful monologue,» says Jasmine Star, a marketing and branding consultant. 90005 90002 «Do not feel the pressure of perfection (namely because perfection does not exist in the online streaming world), and instead opt for: 1.Clarity of message; and 2. Approachability. » 90005 90002 Go for it! 90005 90002 Before you leave, have you used Instagram Live before? Let us know about your experience in the comments below! 90005 90002 Discover thousands of products you can start selling online. No commitment, no credit card required. 90005 90002 Get Oberlo Now. It’s Free. 90005 90036 Learn More! 90037 90002 Thomas J Law 90005 90002 Thomas is a B2B content writer specializing in SaaS, ecommerce, and digital marketing.To learn more about how Thomas can help you achieve your goals, visit his website at tomjlaw.com. 90005 .90000 How to Stream to Facebook and Instagram At The Same Time 90001 90002 90003 90003 90005 90002 Facebook owns Instagram, and they both have methods to livestream. With Facebook, you end up doing a Facebook Livestream. With Instagram, it’s a Live Video, either as a normal post or as a Story. 90005 90002 It stands to reason that a user of one platform might be a user of another, and it’s entirely possible that you might want to stream to both platforms simultaneously. After all, you want to reach the largest possible audience with each broadcast, and you can only do that if you reach both platforms.90005 90002 So how can you broadcast to 90011 both 90012 platforms at the same time? Let’s discuss your options. 90005 90014 Phone Solutions 90015 90002 If you’re broadcasting via a 90011 phone 90012, you may be out of luck. It depends on the resources you have and the effort you want to put into it. 90005 90002 There is no way to broadcast a live stream feed to two different platforms at once from your phone. It’s simply not possible, for one technical reason: one app can not be accessed by more than one other app at the same time.90005 90002 What this means, specifically, is that you can not use your phone’s camera from two different apps at the same time. Since you would need to be using both Facebook and Instagram in app form to broadcast, they would both need access to your camera (and microphone), and your phone will not allow that. 90005 90002 90025 90025 90005 90002 Even if your phone did allow simultaneous access, encoding and broadcasting video is very hardware intensive. Some full-size computers have issues with it, so a phone with much lower specifications will have a correspondingly harder time.Granted, a computer is likely doing more processing, adding more effects, and broadcasting at a higher quality level, but the fact remains. 90005 90002 If you’re not able to use a desktop computer of any sort to do your broadcasting, and are limited to just your phone, you have two options. 90011 Option 1 90012 is to pick one platform and broadcast to it, then save and upload the video to the other platform once it’s done. This is less than ideal, because it loses all of the real-time engagement from the secondary platform.90005 90002 The other option is to simply 90011 use two phones 90012. Set one phone up to broadcast to Facebook, and the other phone to broadcast to Instagram. Set the two devices side by side in front of you so you can see the chat feeds from both, and so that the cameras are roughly in the same place, so you do not look or sound dramatically different from one to the other. 90005 90002 90039 90039 90005 90002 This is not necessarily an ideal solution either, since needing two phones means needing two expensive technological devices.There are plenty of other uses you can find for a second phone, even one that does not have a cell data plan and relies entirely on your wifi, but it’s still an expense you do not really need. Plus, if you have two different phones rather than two copies of the same phone, you might run into differences with configuration, video or audio quality, memory, or another issue that can hinder one stream while the other works fine. 90005 90002 As is, I consider this more of a workaround than an actual solution.If you want to broadcast to both platforms, I highly recommend 90011 using a computer 90012. 90005 90014 Hybrid Solutions 90015 90002 Another option is to go with a 90011 hybrid solution 90012. One phone can not broadcast to both platforms, but you can use a phone to broadcast to one and a computer to broadcast to the other. This has the advantage of only using devices you probably have on hand, though you may need to purchase a webcam and a microphone or headset to broadcast via your computer.90005 90002 90055 90055 90005 90002 The primary downside of using this option is that one stream is going to look and sound somewhat worse than the other, depending on the devices you’re using. If you’re using a powerful desktop computer with a good camera and a good microphone, your phone stream is probably going to look and sound significantly worse. If you’re using a good modern phone, but an old webcam and a headset mic, your computer-based stream might look and sound worse. 90005 90002 The primary advantage, as I mentioned, is that 90011 you likely already have everything you need 90012 to set this up.If you do not have a webcam or a microphone, a cheap headset and webcam — or even just a webcam with a serviceable microphone built in — will only run you a small fee, likely under $ 100. The software necessary to broadcast to either platform is free, though I’ll discuss that more in the next section. 90005 90014 Instagram on PC 90015 90002 Instagram has historically always been a mobile-only platform, and that includes limitations on their streaming. As of right now, as near as I can tell, there are only two ways to broadcast to Instagram via a PC.One is to use their official cross-compatible app that only works in Windows 10. The other is to emulate the app using a phone emulator like Bluestacks. 90005 90002 90069 90069 90005 90002 In either case, to broadcast to Instagram with anything more than a basic camera feed — 90073 for example, if you want to use overlays, alerts, or a picture-in-picture feed 90074 — you need a streaming software to output to a single feed you can pick up as a virtual camera. You can configure this with any of the software listed below, but it’s a bit too advanced for me to go into right here.90005 90014 PC-Only Solutions 90015 90002 If you do not want to broadcast from a phone for one reason or another, that’s perfectly fine. I personally have found that phone streams are only really worthwhile when you’re doing a stream on the go. Tourist streams, streams of life as you experience the town or a party, those kinds of events. For a premeditated stream in the comfort of your own home or place of business, a PC setup is much better. 90005 90002 When using a PC, you essentially have two options.You can 90011 use two instances 90012 of the same software, or you can 90011 use two different pieces of software 90012. In addition, there are a few goofy workarounds you might need to use, depending on what you’re streaming. 90005 90002 90087 90087 90005 90002 If you’re streaming a piece of software, a game, or anything that does not require a peripheral like a webcam, you can often just configure two pieces of software to capture the window or application, and broadcast just fine. Your microphone audio will be picked up by the operating system and be broadcast from there, so you do not need to add your microphone as a source directly.90005 90002 90011 Using a webcam 90012 or peripheral camera for your broadcast makes things more difficult, because you run into the same issue as with a phone camera. The camera can only broadcast to one destination at a time. The main workaround to this is to broadcast your stream to a server you control, and then capture that stream to broadcast to your other locations, though that requires even more tricky setup. The other alternative is to use a camera specifically designed to have multiple outputs, though these tend to have one high quality stream for security purposes and one for monitoring.As you might suppose, this too is less than ideal. 90005 90002 Personally, I prefer Open Broadcaster, or OBS. OBS Studio is a great, free, open source piece of software that has a ton of control options for streaming. Plus, it’s easy to get more than one instance of it working. 90005 90002 90099 90099 90005 90002 Actually, let’s talk about that before digging too deep into software. With any application that typically only has one instance available, you can force it to open multiple instances.Right-click on the application .exe file and click properties. You will see a file path, something like 90073 C: \ Program Files \ OBS \ OBS.exe 90074. You will want to edit this line to add 90073 -multi 90074 to the end of it, so the final line looks like 90073 «C: \ Program Files \ OBS \ OBS.exe -multi» 90074. This allows you to open more than one instance of the program. 90005 90002 This option works, but will encounter difficulties using the same devices or the same captures. Just because you’re opening more than one instance of the software does not mean you’re using different versions of the dlls or other file associated with the program.To do that, you will need more than one installation of the software. 90005 90002 90011 You can also install more than one piece of software. 90012 For example, you might install OBS Studio and OBS Classic. OBS Classic is an older version of the program with fewer features, but it includes all of the basics. You’re free to use both at the same time, though again, you’ll run into conflicts trying to use the same camera feed for both. 90005 90002 90117 90117 90005 90002 Here are your software options: 90005 90122 90123 OBS Studio — As mentioned above, this is the free and open source Open Broadcaster Software.OBS Studio is the primary version, mostly aimed at gamers, but usable on any streaming platform that has a stream key you can stream to. OBS Studio is more advanced than the older OBS Classic, and includes a lot of studio-level features like advanced scene transitions and filters for video and audio. 90124 90123 OBS Classic — Seen a bit lower on the downloads page is OBS Classic. OBS Studio is a ground-up rewrite of the original OBS software, and Classic is the most recent version from before that rewrite.It’s perfectly functional, if a little out of date, and it’s also free to use. Just be aware that you will not find much support for using Classic today; most advice will be to update to Studio. 90124 90123 Streamlabs OBS — Streamlabs is a platform you can link with a Twitch account that includes a bunch of additional features, such as alerts, donation tracking bars, and various other features. Streamlabs OBS is a fork of OBS that includes a bunch of Streamlabs features in OBS directly, without needing to manage them through the Streamlabs page.This is admittedly not necessary for simple broadcasting on Facebook or Instagram, but it’s an additional option. 90124 90123 Vimeo Livestream Studio — This is a livestream program created by Vimeo and aimed at professional productions with multiple ongoing scenes. If you think of a professional NFL broadcast, with all the various camera angles and audio sources, you can see what kind of tool you’re getting. The kicker is it’s not free. A free version exists for Vimeo Premium subscribers, but the full version of the software is $ 800.Dramatically overkill for any Facebook or Instagram broadcast unless you’re essentially producing a web TV show. 90124 90123 VMix — A sort of middle of the road option somewhere between OBS and Vimeo Studio in functionality. It has a ton of professional features, but it’s not quite so overkill as Vimeo’s option, at least at the base level. It has advanced packages with even more features, such as four simultaneous cameras with instant replay available, but again, that’s likely overkill. Their free version supports four inputs, two cameras, one overlay, local recording, streaming, and color correction, but only streams at a 780p quality level.For $ 60 you get one that streams in 1080p with more inputs. $ 150 gets you more advanced features with up to 1,000 total input sources at 780p. $ 350 bumps that quality level to 1080 and gives you access to VMix Call. $ 700 gives you 4K broadcasting with even more features, and a pro version for $ 1,200 gives you everything they offer. 90124 90123 Wirecast — Another alternative to OBS, Wirecast is a fairly easy to use platform that can stream to multiple sources at once. It can support as many sources as your computer can handle, includes conferencing features, can add in widgets like scoreboards and timers, and has a lot of additional filtering and control options.It’s also not a free option, though. The studio version, with unlimited inputs and destinations, two remote guests, and standard support is $ 700. The pro version includes more inputs, more outputs, expanded capability in every zone, and higher caps on conferencing, but costs you $ 1,000. 90124 90123 XSplit — This is more of a direct competitor to OBS, in that it’s aimed at gamers for streaming on Twitch and YouTube, with features for Facebook and Instagram as a secondary thought. It’s high power, but low in features compared to some of the professional tools listed above.On the other hand, it has a free version and a few paid options. You can pay for premium at anywhere from $ 4 $ 8 per month depending on how many months you pay for at a time, or buy a lifetime license for $ 200. As expensive as that is, you can see it’s still the cheapest premium option available. 90124 90123 Hardware — There are some additional streaming options you can use that rely on specialized hardware to do the heavy lifting. For example, the Wowza ClearCaster is essentially a full video-rendering PC that slots into a server rack and handles a huge number of inputs and outputs all at once.It’s a professional tool, though, and costs a corresponding amount, almost $ 6,500. 90124 90139 90002 Picking two free options, a free and a paid option, or a single option that supports multiple outputs can all get you the same result: broadcasting to both Facebook and Instagram at the same time. 90005.90000 What is Instagram Live? | Sprout Social 90001 90002 Instagram Live is a feature on Instagram Stories that allows users to stream video to followers and engage with them in real time. When users broadcast live video streams on their accounts, a ring highlights their profile picture in Instagram Stories to alert followers that they can view the live stream. 90003 90004 How Do I Use Instagram Live For Marketing? 90005 90006 90007 Product marketing: Promote products through demos, tutorials, teasers or launch announcements 90008 90007 Ecommerce: Alert followers to a limited time offer or sale 90008 90007 Branding: Show the behind-the-scenes of your company or use branded hashtags 90008 90007 Influencer marketing: Empower influencers to engage with your followers 90008 90007 Lead generation: Generate leads through user-submitted questions, pointing out landing pages and more 90008 90017 90004 Which Instagram Live Features Are Available? 90005 90006 90007 Stream video in real time 90008 90007 Save a replay of video to Instagram Stories 90008 90007 Engage with followers as they send likes or comments 90008 90007 Pin selected follower comments to top of the video 90008 90017 90004 How Do I Use Instagram Live? 90005 90002 1.Prepare to stream the video: Determine where and when you want to broadcast. Announce the start time of the live video broadcast ahead of time to increase the chance users will view your video. Set up the products, people or props you’ll stream. 90003 90002 2. Select the camera icon or swipe right while in your Instagram feed 90003 90002 3. Choose Live> Start Live Video (optional: Choose filters by tapping on the emoji icon or select the front facing camera icon) 90003 90002 4. Tap End to stop the stream 90003 90040 How do I pin comments on Instagram Live? 90041 90002 Select Comment> Choose the comment to pin and hold it so it appears on the top.90003 90040 How do I turn off comments? 90041 90002 To disable comments once the video is live, tap the settings wheel icon on iPhone or three dot icon on Android → Turn Off Commenting 90003 90040 How do I moderate comments? 90041 90002 Prevent comments you do not want to see appear on your live video before the live broadcast, go to your profile> Select the settings wheel icon on iPhone or three dot icon> Comment Controls> Hide Offensive Comments 90003 90002 You can also filter out comments containing keywords, phrases or emojis that you do not want to show up.90003 90040 How do I save and share live videos? 90041 90002 After the video ends, select Save at the top right or choose Share at the bottom of the screen. 90003 90040 Pros of Instagram Live 90041 90060 90061 90062 Increase interactions with followers. 90063 Use Instagram Live as another way to speak directly to followers and drive engagement, leads and sales. 90008 90061 90062 Cost-effective way to produce content. 90063 Professional equipment or studio access is not required to create fun and interesting content via Instagram Stories.90008 90061 90062 Track engagement and viewer metrics. 90063 See viewer counts of your stream after ending the video and use Instagram Analytics to review engagement metrics such as likes or comments or Instagram Stories analytics. 90008 90061 90062 Save and share streamed videos. 90063 After streaming, you can save and repost live video content to repurpose and lengthen the life of the videos. 90008 90017 90078.

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